Newsgames: Filosofighters + ApocalipCity
News based games
Filosofighters started with the idea of a fighting game that taught the basics of philosophy. A kind of Street Fighter starring Nietzsche, Plato and Machiavelli.
- Watch the game trailer
The idea was created by Raoni Madalena and a group of friends. He brought this idea to the team of Fred Di Giacomo, who at the time produced a lot of newsgames for the Superinteressante website. Together they selected which philosophers would come into play, what their powers would be, and how their phases would be organized. Fred's work on this game was editing, game design and transmedia strategy
Filosofighters was a big hit, winning accolades around the world on sites like the English PC Gamer. He was also awarded "Best Use of Social Media" at the Abril Journalism Award, was a finalist in the "online game" category at BIG (Brazilian International Game) and was selected for the MIT _docubase
Idealization: Raoni Maddalena; Edition: Frederico di Giacomo and Kleyson Barbosa; Design, Interface and Sound: Daniel Apolinario; Programming: Gil Beyruth; Illustration and animation: Alisson Lima; Text: Otavio Cohen;
ApocalipCity is a social game where the player does not have to build houses and farms, but destroy cities with meteors and earthquakes.
Kind of "Anti-Farmville", ApolicalipCity was created to bring a humorous end to the first social game we developed for Superinteressante's magazine, "Quiz City".
Original idea: Fred Di Giacomo Game design: Fred Di Giacomo, Bruno Xavier, Daniel Apolinario Development: Gil Beyruth Illustrations: Alisson Lima and Juliana Moreira Animations: Alisson Lima Design: Daniel Apolinario Sound and track design: Juliana Moreira Texts and edition: Otavio Cohen